An exciting exhibition opened 9 March and an important step forward within the collective work on art, mothering and care work: ‘Acts of Creation: On Art and Motherhood’, curated by Hettie Judah for Hayward Gallery Touring, starting at Arnolfini.
✨ Special congratulations to some artists whom we have supported and collaborated with through conversations, our BRC Summer School and through the commissioning & acquisition of donations over the past 16 years: Leni Dothan, Hermione Wiltshire, Cassie Arnold and Carmen Winant. ✨
Join the Birth Rites Collection Summer School online, weekly on Wednesday evenings from 11th June - 2nd July 2025.
Birth Rites Collection’s Summer School is a unique programme of lectures, workshops, seminars and one-to-one tutorials. The four-week course will introduce you to the collection and facilitate a dialogue between you, your practice, this year’s themes, and the artworks.
Join the Birth Rites Collection Summer School in-person at the University of Kent, from Monday 7th - Thursday 10th July 2025.
Birth Rites Collection’s Summer School is a unique programme of lectures, workshops, seminars and one-to-one tutorials. Four intensive days will introduce you to the collection and facilitate a dialogue between you, your practice, this year’s themes, and the artworks.
Past events
The Birth Rites Collection Summer School is back. This year’s Summer School will take place at the University of Kent, from Monday 1st - Thursday 4th July. Online access is also available at a reduced cost.
Birth Rites Collection’s Summer School is a unique programme of lectures, workshops, seminars and one-to-one tutorials. Four intensive days will introduce you to the collection and facilitate a dialogue between you, your practice and the artworks. The course is led by artist & BRC Curator Helen Knowles and artist Dr. Leni Dothan.
We have partnered with the newly launched Tommy’s National Centre for Preterm Birth Research and Imperial College London to run a series of participatory commissions over the next 3-5 years. These new artworks will eventually become part of the Birth Rites Collection.
Birth Rites Collection will facilitate 3-5 artists to collaborate with men and women in the community, up and down the UK, to explore important ideas connected with preterm birth.
In First Person Plural featuring two works by Judy Chicago from the Birth Rites Collection.
This year’s BRC Summer School will take place in-person at the University of Kent, from Monday 5th - Friday 9th September. Book your place now.
Join us for the launch of the Birth Rites Collection, installed for the first time across buildings on the University of Kent’s Canterbury campus.
Harris Lecture Theatre, Guy’s Campus, King’s College, London, SE1 1UL
Past talks
Presented by Public Exhibitions at Premises Studios, hosted by Susu Laroche and including contribution from Liv Fontaine, Mary Hannity, Jumanah Younis, Sharon Kivland, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Georgia Horgan and Helen Knowles.
In collaboration with the Manchester Feminist Theory Network. Birth Rites welcomed the renowned writer and academic, Griselda Pollock to the collection to present a paper and take part in a seminar.
Arts Health and Social care symposia taking place on the 19th November 2013 at Salford University.Key speakers and workshops included: Moses, Marie Brett, Helen Sargeant, Paula McCloskey, Dr. Rebecca Baillie, Sally Barker, Dave Garbutt, Jasmine Proust and Helen Knowles.
The symposia also launched new acquisitions to the Birth Rites Collection including works from Janet Russek, David Scheinbaum, Valerie Schmidt, Eti Wade, Tabitha Moses and Dominika Dzkowska.